
The Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program at the University of Toronto provides a minimum of four months training dedicated to Musculoskeletal Radiology. Experience is gained in the full range of Musculoskeletal radiology including interpretation of plain film, CT, MRI and Ultrasound in both pediatric and adult populations. Musculoskeletal ultrasound is a particular strength within the program with residents gaining hands on experience.

In addition to interpretive skills, decision-making skills are fostered, and residents are encouraged to actively be involved in prescribing study protocols and making management decisions when applicable.

Numerous MSK procedures are performed weekly, and residents participate in bone and soft tissue biopsies, spinal intervention, arthrography and joint aspiration all under direct supervision.

During the four years of Radiology resident training, the residents rotate through Mount Sinai Hospital and the University Health Network, Sunnybrook and Women’s College Health Sciences Center, St. Michael’s Hospital and Toronto Sick Children’s Hospital. As such, exposure to a broad range of pathology is provided, including arthritides, sports medicine, musculoskeletal oncology, trauma, and also pediatric radiology.

Residents typically have MSK radiology rotations for one month in first year, two months in second year, and one month in fourth year. The pediatric MSK experience is usually acquired over a four month rotation at HSC in third year. In addition to these rotations, radiology residents at the University of Toronto have ongoing learning of MSK radiology through the interpretation of ER films while on-call and post-call, and during weekly hospital MSK radiology rounds. While on the MSK radiology rotation, residents are encouraged to participate in interdisciplinary conferences with the orthopedic surgery and rheumatology services.

With state of the art imaging equipment, large volume, and daily one-on-one interaction with dedicated MSK Radiology staff at multiple sites, the training in MSK radiology is comprehensive, encompassing the full breadth of the speciality.

© Toronto Musculoskeletal Radiology 2015